Tusk [Blu-ray]

I honestly don't know how many stars to give this weird, creepy little movie. I love Kevin Smith, but this is Kevin Smith doing his version of the Human Centipede. (Though I guess if I think of it in those terms, it was much better than Human Centipede if only because in this alternative reality of greatly suspended disbelief, the idea of turning someone into a walrus is much more believable than sewing people together rear-to-mouth. I mean, come on, the centipede's whole digestive and excretory system is completely unworkable, while turning someone into a walrus is .... oh, never mind.)

The soon-to-be walrusized Justin Long is really (and I assume deliberately) unlikeable in this movie, which I find complicated my loyalties as a viewer. While I was horrified at the idea of anyone being mutilated like this, having it happen to someone as unfeeling, crass and utterly lacking in humanity left me wondering whose side I was actually on. Even his girlfriend's ruminations on "what happened to the guy I fell in love with" (i.e. the one who cried at Winnie the Pooh) only made me wonder, "What are you still doing with this jerk? Are you sure you want to go find him?"

Yet I will confess, I was impressed by Long's ability to recognize literary quotes from Hemingway to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner; he may be a jerk, but he's a well-read jerk, and that means a lot to a writer and former English major like me.

What is enjoyable (though not as much as I would have hoped) is the "KevinSmithism" humor that creeps in. The passport guy at the airport is perhaps the funniest part of the movie. Canadian humor, eh?


Joel Haley Osment, who no longer sees dead people because right after that enormous success he suffered the fate of so many child actors: a growth spurt into puberty that rendered his once too-cuteness into something of rather awkward proportions. Luckily he seems to have grown into his features now. But he has such a tiny part in this movie, it's wasted.

I don't know how many people even know that Johnny Depp is in this movie, even after they've seen the movie. I give Depp credit as an actor for completely disappearing into the character of a Clouseau-like French Canadian detective. I had to Google to see if it actually was him. However, like most of this movie, he'd have been better and funnier with a little less screen time. LIke so many movies and tv shows, you get the feeling this was a good joke that would have made a great half-hour skit, but a really slow two-hour-ish movie.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Kamis, 01 Januari 2015

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