Downton Abbey remains one of the most anticipated shows on both sides of the Atlantic, and with the UK shows already underway, those of us who are lucky enough to watch them know that the tribulations of the Grantham clan are already in full swing
We left season 4 with Carson and Hughes wandering into the ocean, ankles exposed. It appears that the liberality of the modern age is starting to effect the help! Soon they will be asking to take off weekends. What is a weekend? The Dowager is just as confused about it too. There are too many plot lines to even recap, with various murders, hidden children, old-fashioned forbidden love; Season 5 continues along the same line.
Each of our well-worn characters seem to find themselves in familiar territory: Mary is advancing on and yet infuriating suitors, Edith is hopeless at trying to hide her love-child, Lord Grantham is still waiting to bet the family fortune to show he is anything but an impotent landlord (I hear dirigibles are a great investment), while the help are falling into similar conundrums as in Season 4: Mr. Carson remains in a continual strain of retreating from modernity though steps into the wireless age, albeit mostly unwillingly, Bates continues to quietly menace while we wonder if he really is a cold-blooded killer, while Ms. Pattmore and daisy continue their upward ascent (Daisy might even make head cook someday).
Though it often feels like the ground has been covered before, Season 5 is just right for those Downton fans who have grown fond of the characters and get to follow them in their ascent to the modern age. Though sometimes bordering being too melodramatic, the show is a tried and true companion in the winter months. Sometimes just getting to see Isis wander through the scene and hear the Dowager utter a one-liner is enough for a fine Sunday evening. The new season, so far, does not disappoint; a must for Downton fans.
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Unknown - Kamis, 01 Januari 2015
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