The Company You Keep

The criticism of this movie was originally started by the press's talking heads, with them only knowing the movie's topic and Redford's politics.

I am conservative who is organically suspicious of the press and it's motives, regardless of the side they come down upon. So I went to see it anyways, mostly because I wanted to see a particular actor's performance. I AM CONVINCED THE PRESS MISSED THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE MOVIE.

This film does not glorify terrorism. Quite the opposite. It shows how a person can cross the line from being an "activist" to being a felon/terrorist. It is sort of a retrospective of an activist's two lives - one he had to abandon once he crossed the line, the other, the second life he had to build afterward. In both cases, the focus of this movie is more on the private price he paid and simultaneously pushed off onto loved ones to avoid paying the public price for his acts.

The reader must understand that Sloan was guilty of some felony activities, but NOT the murder of the bank guard. His crimes, if caught, were worth some jail time, but not a life sentence for murder.

If a member of my family was considering becoming an activist, I would want them to see this movie. This would be their chance to understand that the actions they initiate could go awry and/or be twisted by others and spin out of control. This could easily leave them with consequences they would be forced to live with for the rest of their life, and JUST AS IMPORTANTLY, exact a greater price upon all their loved ones. People should carefully weigh the costs against the benefits.

I recommend this movie to all conservatives and all liberals and everyone in between who wanted their loved ones to make informed choices.

This is a VERY tightly packed movie, hardly a word that isn't important to the development of the plot. I like Redford movies because he tries to make his point the "old fashioned" way, without car chases, gun battles and funny sidekicks. This movie does need a bit more tension and rage at one particular point, but that's about the biggest flaw I saw.

Just so you know, Redford, 76, is playing the role of a mid-60 year-old, and, without giving away a major plot point, there are good reasons why he has a young daughter. Now, it is up to you to see this film and figure out why. (SPOILER ALERT! I've enclosed MY thoughts on why in comment #6 at the bottom of this review.)

By the way, this movie has a lot of great talent in it, and they each do very well for themselves and the presentation of the movie's theme. There are 14 class act performers, plus one. This would be a hard cast to play against, but "plus one" did a super job in her first movie role. (See comment #1, if you are curious.)
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

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